This is Dakota, Trudy's best friend. She's a beautiful Catahoula Leopard Dog, and she belongs to our friends, Mo and Adam... fellow Skiatookians. Trudy and Dakota are about the same age, so they puppy around all over the place. (Yes, in our house, "puppy" is very much a verb.) They're so much fun! Adam will bring Dakota over before work on nice days and leave her in Trudy's outside pen. They puppy all day, and by the time we get home, Crazy Dog Bitey Pants Trudy turns into Nice Puppy Cuddly Trudy and we get a glimpse into the world of what it's like to own a grown-up bassett hound (so I hear).
It is so nice to have friends that live so close... makes puppy day care so much less expensive!! :) Now all we need is a little sunshine to dry out that puppy pen so Dakota can come puppy some more over at Trudy's place. Man, we miss the sun... :)