Friday, January 16, 2009

The Newest Murray

Meet Trudy! (Short for Gertrude, thanks Papa Murray) She's our baby basset hound puppy and she is the coolest dog ever! (Good Christmas present, huh? Thanks Carl!) I always wanted a Westie puppy... I have always loved our westies dearly and have very fond memories of them, but when I met a basset puppy I absolutely fell in love. How could you not? Those floppy ears, those droopy eyes, those baseball mitt paws, the clumsiness, the appearance they are s/p gastric bypass and have all kinds of loose skin hanging places... they're awesome! Here are some pictures of our little lady.

These are Trudy's newest buddies, Harry and Heidi Coburn. They had a New Years Eve dog party while we hung out with their mom and dad and the Strattons. It was quite a rumpus!

Here she is in one of my favorite pics. I love it how when her ears can catch the wind it seems she can take off and fly at any moment!

Trudy and Dad are really good at naps. It is definitely one of their favorite things to do together. Problem is, Carl sleeps so soundly he doesn't wake up when Trudy is tromping all over his chest to signify she needs to go outside... you can probably guess what happens next...

Here we are playing outside on the first day we got her. We bonded instantaneously and now she follows us around everywhere we go just like a shadow.

I have already learned so much having her. I'll compile a list of what I've learned so far for those that are thinking about getting a basset, or puppy in general. I'm sure this list will lengthen soon.

1. Puppies can get a bacterial infection called giardia if they are taken away from their moms too soon.
2. Antibiotics flavored with angus beef are equivalent to puppy treats or table scraps in Trudy's book.
3. Puppies eat underwear.
4. Puppies pee a lot.
5. One day she'll learn to use her tinkle bell that Mabel introduced her to.
6. Bassets are needy, but they're the most loving and cuddly puppies ever.
7. Trudy's presence means Carl and I watch less TV, which is such a good thing.
8. Life is more rewarding and full with a puppy in it.

Nieces, Nephews, and Cousin Babies... oh my!

Christmas was absolutely wonderful this year. Carl and I both got off work on Christmas Eve so we loaded up the Acura like a sleigh full of toys and drove to Muskogee for my side of the family's Christmas Extravaganza. We went to my Aunt Julie and Uncle Steve's house and had a ball watching Liza Jane's rendition of "Part of Your World" from the Little Mermaid. One of my favorite moments of the night was when LJ and Noah started hugging on the red couch when we were taking pictures of them in their PJs. So adorable! It is rare for all of us to be in the same room at the same time. Amy and Christi's babies are beautiful... really makes me excited for that day when our little Murrays can join in the Little Mermaid performances and running around like squirrels. The next night everyone came over to mom and dad's house and the kids had a ball playing on their 2008 version of the Roller Racer. So much fun!

This Christmas my immediate family decided that we weren't going to spend money and we were going to do homemade presents this year. Of course the rules were broken for numerous reasons, but the homemade gifts were so special. Emily personalized stationery for us all, Carl made my sister deer and elk jerky that I am pretty sure was a big hit, Dad framed pictures of Zac Robinson for Carl and Jeff, and mom put together a photo book of memories from our old house at 3004 Cromwell. Quite the tearjerker if you ask me! I'll post some of those photos... they're too classic not to!
For the Murray family Christmas, we got Mackenzie and Kellen presents, but then the rest of us did a "dirty santa" and "good santa" gift exchange. I have to say that Carl was quite disappointed when his brother Pat one-upped him on the naked elk picture gift (don't ask...). Let me just say though, he's already planning for next year...
Here's Kellen with his toolbelt full of gizmos and Mac with her digital camera.

Christmas was amazing this year. Carl and I are so fortunate that we can do both family Christmases every year since both families live so close. It is such a wonderful time to get everyone together and celebrate the birth of Christ... we're already looking forward to next year!